Saturday, November 17, 2007

It's Like the Leaves on the Trees

I would like to comment on the amazingness that is Fall leaves. I just can't get enough. Looking at the array of colors as I drive to the spots that I frequent most, I really want to keep on going, to find the perfect display of all the colors in a one=frame spot that I could capture on my camera phone. I haven't quite found the spot yet, but I am getting close.

Even though Shabbat has ended, I also wanted to mention that I find my awareness of the trees connects directly to the Torah portion of Shabbat. In ויצא, Jacob has an encounter with God. He realizes that God was in the place where he was sleeping and Jacob did not realize it. I also am noticing God in the trees, in the places that I am driving.

The subject of this blog is part of a song that one of my friends would sing as she led Hebrew school music classes. The Song is called "God is in each of us."

I hope that things like the changing of the seasons can remind us that God is in fact in each of us, in nature, and all around. אכן יש ה במקום הזה ואנכי לא ידעתי. I hope I can continue to see God around me, especially as the seasons get colder and notably darker. Shavua Tov.

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